Game cultural link with the images, a development of the games famous crossword game entertainment Ttakivih excellent test your intelligence and cultural balance contain large bouquet of varied questions, and images in various fields such as history. Literature, General Information, religious questions, sports questions, the mysteries of the popular and the likes. Synonyms, questions reflect light and concentration.Designed with high quality in a modern way and is Hadit and simple to fit and uses of all age groups: young children, young people and even adults for the benefit of all and to benefit the whole of the exercise the mind and improve memory, test and Aldca focus and Kdlk for the development of cognitive balance Altagafa.
Each stage in the Sip includes a set of questions and puzzles funLetters all the answers intersect joint letters allowing the contestant revealed letters by solving crossword questionsThere Alkthber from hidden questions that rely on business acumen and agility haveYou can skip the questionCultural game par excellence will develop cognitive abilitiesYou can hide some of the letters by levelFriends can participate in solving intractable questions
Program operates a cultural link with no Internet at all Android devices from a mobile phone and tablet plates and other provided in addition to the other features Welcome to your inquiry and suggestions to improve this game, and we hope that does not forget the evaluation of encouragement. Thank youKey words :wasla riadyawaslawasla sport wasla takafia